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Homestay Providers of Westbourne Academy
31 Alumhurst Road, Westbourne
01202 752777
Do you want to provide university accommodation Bournemouth-based by being a homestay host for international students? Westbourne Academy is searching for Homestay Providers that can provide a warm and inviting atmosphere for overseas students while they are in England.
Many families become homestay providers for overseas students not only for financial reasons, but also to broaden their knowledge and cultural awareness, and the experience can sometimes lead to lifetime friendships.
Homestay provider accommodation allows students to improve their language skills within an English-speaking environment. It is a significant part of the experience, and whilst not uniform, it provides the individuals with a feeling that they are part of a home.
Being a homestay provider is an opportunity to invite new individuals into your home. It can give you the chance to learn about and share cultures. You receive a regular, reliable income with payments made on a fortnightly basis. You can join anytime, with student placements are available all year. There is support when you need it, through the academy's friendly and professional staff.
28/08/21 - 17/12/21
£117 per week, single room
17/12/21 - 03/01/22
£147 per week, single room
That’s the end of this listing, thank you for reading. Would you like to find out more about Homestay Providers of Westbourne Academy? You can get in touch with them via these contact details.
Alternatively, take a look at all the options for University in Bournemouth & Poole within the Accommodation section.